Product Overview
Amplichek I Level 1 (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000528
Amplichek I Level 2 (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000529
Amplichek I Level 3 (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000530
Amplichek I MiniPak (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000531
Amplichek I Negative (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000527
Amplichek II Level 1 (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000202
Amplichek II Level 1 MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000576
Amplichek II Level 2 MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000577
Amplichek II Level 2 (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000203
Amplichek II Level 3 MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000578
Amplichek II Level 3 (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000204
Amplichek II Negative (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000201
Amplichek II Negative MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000575
AmpliClear (An unassayed C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid control.)
AmpliClear - 00127
AmpliPROBE CT/GC (An unassayed C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid control.)
AmpliPROBE - 00138
AmpliTrol CT/GC (An unassayed C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid control.)
AmpliTrol - 00126
Autoimmune EIA ANA Screening Test
Autoimmune EIA - 576AN
Autoimmune EIA ANA Screening Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96AN
Autoimmune EIA anti - Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Test
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2380
Autoimmune EIA anti - Proteinase 3 (PR3) Test
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2420
Autoimmune EIA Anti-?2 Glycoprotein I IgM Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2080
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Cardiolipin IgA Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2040
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Cardiolipin IgG Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2000
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Cardiolipin IgM Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2020
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Centromere Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96CE
Autoimmune EIA Anti-dsDNA Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96DS
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Gliadin IgA
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2220
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Gliadin IgG
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2240
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Jo-1 Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96JO
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Phosphatidylserine IgA Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2160
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Phosphatidylserine IgG Test
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2120
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Phosphatidylserine IgM Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2140
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies (ASCA) IgA
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2320
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies (ASCA) IgG
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2340
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Scl-70 Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SC
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Sm Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SM
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Sm/RNP Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SR
Autoimmune EIA Anti-ß2 Glycoprotein I IgA Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2100
Autoimmune EIA Anti-ß2 Glycoprotein I IgG Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2060
Autoimmune EIA Anti-SS-A/Ro Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SA
Autoimmune EIA Anti-SS-B/La Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SB
Autoimmune EIA Anti-ssDNA Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SS
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2260
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2280
Autoimmune EIA DNA Conjugate, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220HDS
Autoimmune EIA DNA Sample Diluent, 30 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 240DD
Autoimmune EIA DNA Wash Concentrate, 60 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 240DW
Autoimmune EIA ENA Conjugate, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220HSP
Autoimmune EIA ENA Plus Screening test
Autoimmune EIA - 96EP
Autoimmune EIA Sample Diluent, 30 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 230AD
Autoimmune EIA Stop Solution, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220HAN
Autoimmune EIA Stop Solution, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220SM
Autoimmune EIA Substrate, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220TM
Autoimmune EIA Wash Concentrate, 60 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 230AW
PW 41
BIO RAD - 85508
BioPlex - SW4.3 v5.0
25-OH Vitamin D Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.2_v3, US
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.2 V3
25-OH Vitamin D Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633700
25-OH Vitamin D Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633740
25-OH Vitamin D Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633730
25-OH Vitamin D Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633720
25-OH Vitamin D Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653750
ANA Screen Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631121
ANA Screen Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631101
ANA Screen Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631141
ANA Screen Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631131
ANA Screen with MDSS Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_V2
ANA Screen with MDSS Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_V2
ANA Screen with MDSS Reagent pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651150
ANA Screen with MDSS Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651155
Anti-CCP Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v3
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_V3
Anti-CCP Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633200
Anti-CCP Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633240
Anti-CCP Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633230
Anti-CCP Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653250
APLS IgA Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632120
APLS IgA Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632100
APLS IgA Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632140
APLS IgA Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632130
APLS IgA Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652150
APLS IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631920
APLS IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631900
APLS IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631940
APLS IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631930
APLS IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651950
APLS IgG, IgM and IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1 US Only
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1V1
APLS IgG, IgM and IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_1
APLS IgM Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632020
APLS IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632000
APLS IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632040
APLS IgM Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632030
APLS IgM Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652050
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Assay Protocol File CD SW4.3_v5
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3_v5
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12006553
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12006552
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12006555
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12006554
BioPlex 2200 Anti-CCP Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_V1
BioPlex 2200 Instrument
BioPlex 2200 - 6600000
BioPlex 2200 Instrument Sheath Fluid, 2 X 4L
BioPlex 2200 - 660-0817
BioPlex 2200 Instrument Wash Buffer, 1 X 10 L
BioPlex 2200 - 660-0818
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total 200 Tests
BioPlex 2200 - 12000876
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Assay Protocol File CD SW4.3_v1.0
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3_v1.0
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Calibrator CD
BioPlex 2200 - 12000878
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000877
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Control CD
BioPlex 2200 - 12000880
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000879
BioPlex 2200 Operation Manual version 4.3 Multiple Language CD-ROM
BioPlex 2200 - version 4.3
BioPlex 2200 Reaction Vessel
BioPlex 2200 - 6602003
BioPlex 2200 Sample Dilution Buffer (1X), 120 mL
BioPlex 2200 - 12006863
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Assay Protocol File CD SW4.3_v1
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3_v1
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000652
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000651
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000654
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000653
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 12000650
BioPlex 2200 System Operation Manual , Software Version 4.2
BioPlex 2200 - SW Version 4.2
BioPlex 2200 System Operation Manual , Software Version 4.3
BioPlex 2200 - SW Version 4.3
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000672
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000677
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000673
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000678
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 12000670
BPX2200, Analyzer System, Refurbishment
BioPlex 2200 - 6600000RM
CD, BioPlex Anti-CCP Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633220
Celiac IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_v1
Celiac IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_v1
Celiac IgA Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632320
Celiac IgA Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632300
Celiac IgA Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632340
Celiac IgA Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632330
Celiac IgA Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652350
Celiac IgG Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1v1
Celiac IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632220
Celiac IgG Calibrator Set,
BioPlex 2200 - 6632200
Celiac IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632240
Celiac IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632230
Celiac IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652250
EBV IgG Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4 V2
EBV IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631220
EBV IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631200
EBV IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631240
EBV IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631230
EBV IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651250
EBV IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651350
EBV IgM Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - 6651370C
EBV IgM Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631320
EBV IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631300
EBV IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631340
EBV IgM Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631330
HSV-1 & HSV-2 Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633340
HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633320
HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633300
HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633330
HSV-1 & HSV-2 Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653350
Manual & CDs, 25-OH Vitamin D IFU, SW4.2_v3 US Only
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.2V3
Manual & CDs, APLS IgA IFU, SW4.1_v1, US Only
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_1
Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200, Vasculitis IFU, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4V2
Manual & CDs, EBV IgM IFU, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - 6651360G
MMRV IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632420
MMRV IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632400
MMRV IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632440
MMRV IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632430
MMRV IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652450
Rubella & CMV Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v3
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_ V3
Rubella & CMV Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633820
Rubella & CMV Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633830
Rubella & CMV IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633800
Rubella & CMV IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633840
Rubella & CMV IgM Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653850
Syphilis IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631420
Syphilis IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631400
Syphilis IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631440
Syphilis IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631430
Syphilis IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651450
ToRC IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631620
ToRC IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631600
ToRC IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631640
ToRC IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631630
ToRC IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651650
U.S Only IFU, Manual & CDs, Anti-CCP IFU, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - 12008626
U.S. IFU (United States) Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR IFU 4.3v2
BioPlex 2200 - 12007240
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, Anti-CCP IFU, SW4_v3
BioPlex 2200 - SW4V3
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab IFU, SW 4.3_v5
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.3_v5
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR SW4.3
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200, MMRV IgG IFU, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW 4_2
U.S. Only IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D IFU SW4.2_v3
BioPlex 2200 - 4.2_v3
U.S. Only IFU, Manual & CDs, MMRV IgG IFU, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW 4.1V1
Vasculitis Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1 V1
Vasculitis Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631820
Vasculitis Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631800
Vasculitis Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631840
Vasculitis Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631830
Vasculitis Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651850
BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab Calibrator Set
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633405
BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab Reagent Pack
BioPlex® 2200 - 6653455
BioPlex 2200, HIV Ag-Ab Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633420
BioPlex 2200, HIV Ag-Ab Control Lot Data
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633440
BioPlex 2200, HIV Ag-Ab Control Set
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633435
BioPlex® 2200 HIV Ag-Ab Assay Protocol Files CD SW4.2_v4
BioPlex® 2200 - SW4.2_v4
BioPlex® 2200 Manual Reagent Pack Piercer
BioPlex® 2200 - 6600306
Chromogen:TMB Solution 1:11 12 mL
Bio-Rad - 26182
Bio-Rad - 12008530
HSV Type 1 Specific IgG EIA Test Set
Bio-Rad - 12008533
HSV Type 2 Specific IgG EIA Test Set
Bio-Rad - 12008531
MULTISPOT HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test 50 Tests
Bio-Rad - 25228
MULTISPOT HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test Negative Control Serum (Human) 1.0 mL
Bio-Rad - 26166
STOP Stopping Solution 1N 15 x 120 mL
Bio-Rad - 25260
Substrate Buffer TMB buf., 120 mL
Bio-Rad - 26181
Wash Solution Concentrate (30X), 15 x 120 mL
Bio-Rad - 25261
Diluent for VCA IgG EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25189
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25183
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25184
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25185
Measles IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25181
Mumps IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25182
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA , Substrate Concentrate
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25276
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA Calibrator
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25269
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Borrelia Blocker
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25272
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Conjugate
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25274
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Negative Control
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25270
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Positive Control
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25271
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Stop Solution
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25277
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Substrate Buffer
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25275
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Wash Buffer Concentrate [20X]
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25273
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) Microplate EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 32507
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25177
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25178
Diluent for Rubella IgM, CMV IgM and VCA IgM EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25188
Diluent for Rubella, Toxo, CMV, HSV, VZV, Measles, Mumps, EBNA and EB EAD IgG EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25186
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25179
PBS For Immunofluorescent Assays, 11.34 gm
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 31098
Rubella IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25173
Rubella IgM EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25174
Slide Blotters, 12-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000661
Slide Blotters, 24-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000668
Slide Blotters, 4-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000666
Slide Blotters, 6-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000660
Slide Blotters, 8-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000667
Stop Reagent for Serology EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25191
Substrate for Serology EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25192
Toxoplasma IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25175
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25180
Wash Concentrate for Serology EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25190
Calibrator Diluent
Calibrator Diluent - 220-0119
CFX96 Dx and CFX96 Deep Well Dx Systems
CFX96 - 1844095-IVD
CFX96 Dx and CFX96 Deep Well Dx Systems
CFX96 - 1845097-IVD
D-10 - 2200600
D-10 Analytical Cartridge Hemoglobin A1c Program
D-10 - 220-0113
D-10 Analytical Cartridge Hemoglobin A1c Program or Hemoglobin A2/F/A1c Program
D-10 - 220-0212
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program
D-10 - 12000949
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
D-10 - 12005707
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 - 12005706
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 - 220-0118
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer 1
D-10 - 220-0110
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer 2
D-10 - 220-0111
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program REORDER PACK
D-10 - 220-0101
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Supplemental Reagent Pack
D-10 - 220-0109
D-10 Hemoglobin Testing System
D-10 - 12010405
D-10 Hemoglobin Testing System
D-10 - 2200220
D-10 Sample Vials
D-10 - 220-0149
D-10 Wash/Diluent Solution
D-10 - 220-0112
D-10 Dual Program Elution Buffer 1
D-10 Dual - 220-0210
D-10 Dual Program Elution Buffer 2
D-10 Dual - 220-0211
D-10 Dual Program HbA1c Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 Dual - 220-0128
D-10 Dual Program HbA2/F/A1c Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 Dual - 220-0218
D-10 Dual Program Reorder Pack
D-10 Dual - 220-0201
D-100 Cleaning Tube
D-100 - 290-1008
D-100 HbA1c Analytical Cartridge/Calibrator Pack
D-100 - 290-1004
D-100 HbA1c Calibrator Pack
D-100 - 290-1006
D-100 HbA1c Elution Buffer A
D-100 - 290-1010
D-100 HbA1c Elution Buffer B
D-100 - 290-1011
D-100 Hemoglobin Testing System
D-100 - 12008984
D-100 Prefilter
D-100 - 290-1007
D-100 Sample Diluent
D-100 - 290-1009
D-100 Wash Solution
D-100 - 290-1012
Geenius Blood Donor IFU & APF v2.0 binder
Geenius - 12012482
Geenius HIV 1/2 Supplemental Assay 20t
Geenius - 72480
Geenius Software V2.0 LIS Guide, US only
Geenius - 12012484
Geenius SW V2.0 & APF V2.0 Installation Kit
Geenius - 12012851
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Human) GS HBsAg 3.0 - HBsAg Confirmatory Assay 3.0
GS - 32594
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Mouse Monoclonal) GS HBsAg EIA 3.0 480 Tests
GS - 32591
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Mouse Monoclonal) GS HBsAg EIA 3.0 4800 Tests
GS - 25258
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Mouse Monoclonal) GS HBsAg EIA 3.0 960 Tests
GS - 32592
Conjugate 2 Diluent, GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab, 120mL
GS - 12009799
Conjugate 2, GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab, 12 mL
GS - 12009798
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 4800 Tests
GS - 12003863
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 960 Tests
GS - 26218
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 192 Tests
GS - 12009912
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 192 Tests
GS - 26217
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 4800 Tests
GS - 12009911
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 1, 10 mL
GS - 26225
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 2 Diluent, 40 mL
GS - 26228
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 2, Lyophilized, 18 mL
GS - 26226
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 2, Lyophilized, 40 mL
GS - 26227
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Cutoff Calibrator, 1.7 mL
GS - 26224
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, HIV Ag Pos Ctrl, 1.5 mL
GS - 26223
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, HIV-1 Ab Pos Ctrl, 1.5 mL
GS - 26221
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, HIV-2/O Ab Pos Ctrl, 1.5 mL
GS - 26222
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Negative Control, 1.5 mL
GS - 26220
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab, 960 Tests
GS - 12009860
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Conjugate Concentrate, 1.2 mL
GS - 25103
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Conjugate Diluent, 120 mL
GS - 25104
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Low Positive Control, 8 mL
GS - 25110
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Negative Control, 12 mL
GS - 25108
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Positive Control, 8 mL
GS - 25109
HIV-1 Western Blot, Specimen Diluent/Wash (5X), 100 mL
GS - 32574
HIV-1 Western Blot, Strip Folder 10/pkg
GS - 25062C
HIV-1 Western Blot, Strip Worksheet 50/pkg
GS - 25045C
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA Conjugate Concentrate, 12 mL
GS - 25122
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA Conjugate Diluent, 120 mL
GS - 25121
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV Negative Control, 8 mL
GS - 25117
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV-1 Group O Positive Control, 1.4 mL
GS - 25120
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV-1 Positive Control, 1.4 mL
GS - 25118
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV-2 Positive Control, 1.4 mL
GS - 25119
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA Specimen Diluent, 100 mL
GS - 25123
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 GS HIV-1 Western Blot, (40 Tests)
GS - 32508
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2, GS HIV-2 EIA, 480-Test Kit
GS - 32536
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2 (Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide) GS HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA 4800 Test Kit
GS - 25256
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2 (Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide) GS HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA 480 Test Kit
GS - 32588
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2 (Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide) GS HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA 960 Test Kit
GS - 32589
Plate Sealers 25/pkg x 40pkgs
GS - 0210-00
Western Blot Trays & Lids 8/pkg
GS - 12000085
For the collection of human whole blood for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c using Bio-Rad HPLC methods
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2051
For the collection of human whole blood for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c using Bio-Rad HPLC methods
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2052
For the collection of human whole blood for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c using Bio-Rad HPLC methods
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2053
Holder for manipulating the capillaries.
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-1054
Plastic capillaries (5 µl) in a dispenser.
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2100
Hemoglobin Variants System Calibrator Set
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0015
Hemoglobin Variants System Cation Exchange Mini-Columns
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0014
Hemoglobin Variants System Control Set
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0016
Hemoglobin Variants System Elution Buffer 1
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0001
Hemoglobin Variants System Elution Buffer 2
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0002
Hemoglobin Variants System Reorder Pack
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0013
Hemoglobin Variants System Wash Solution
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0003
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008256
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008257
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008258
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008259
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016484
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016485
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016486
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 4 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016487
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009955
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009961
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009958
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009964
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009959
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009965
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009960
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009966
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009956
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009962
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009957
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009963
InteliQ Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008309
InteliQ Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008310
InteliQ Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008311
InteliQ Diabetes Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008312
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 1 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008299
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 2 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008300
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 3 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008301
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control MiniPak (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008302
InteliQ Homocysteine Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004309
InteliQ Homocysteine Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004310
InteliQ Homocysteine Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004311
InteliQ Homocysteine Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004312
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009948
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009949
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009950
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009951
InteliQ Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009941
InteliQ Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009942
InteliQ Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009943
InteliQ Immunology Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009944
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008277
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008278
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008279
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level LTA (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008276
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008280
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015706
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015707
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015708
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015705
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12019558
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015709
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008289
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008290
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008291
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008292
InteliQ Urine Chemistry Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12009997
InteliQ Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12009995
InteliQ Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12009996
Kallestad Mounting Media
Kallestad - 30403
Kallestad Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptides (CCP) II Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 96CP
Kallestad Anti-dsDNA Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 31008
Kallestad Anti-Mitochondrial Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 31021
Kallestad Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (ANCA) Ethanol IFA
Kallestad - 29403
Kallestad Anti-Tg (Thyroglobulin) Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 31025
Kallestad Anti-TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 25087
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 4 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26107
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 4 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26108
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26109
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26110
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae Substrate
Kallestad - 30404
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae Substrate
Kallestad - 31069
Kallestad Evans' Blue Counterstain
Kallestad - 30431
Kallestad FITC Conjugate
Kallestad - 30446
Kallestad FITC Conjugate
Kallestad - 30480
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 12 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26102
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 12 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26103
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 12 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26104
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 24 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26106
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 6 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26100
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 6 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26101
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line Substrate
Kallestad - 30471
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line Substrate
Kallestad - 30472
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line Substrate
Kallestad - 32583
Kallestad Mouse Stomach Kidney Substrate
Kallestad - 30443
Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26111
Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26112
Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26115
Kallestad Patient Sample Diluent
Kallestad - 31996
Kallestad Sample Diluent, 60 mL
Kallestad - 29407
MONOFLUO Legionella pneumophila IFA Test Kit
Kallestad - 32514
Kallestad ANCA Anti-Human IgG Conjugate, 5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29411
Kallestad ANCA Blotting Paper, 10 x 12 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29415
Kallestad ANCA Blotting Paper, 10 x 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29414
Kallestad ANCA Coverslips, 12
Kallestad ANCA - 29413
Kallestad ANCA Evans Blue Counterstain, 1 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29409
Kallestad ANCA IFA COMBI Slides, 5 x 6 + 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29419
Kallestad ANCA IFA Ethanol Fixed Slides 5 x 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29416
Kallestad ANCA IFA Ethanol Fixed Slides, 5 x 12 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29417
Kallestad ANCA IFA Formalin Fixed Slides, 5 x 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29418
Kallestad ANCA Mounting Medium, 5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29410
Kallestad ANCA Negative Control, 0.5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29408
Kallestad ANCA Phosphate Buffered Saline, 8.6 g
Kallestad ANCA - 29412
Kallestad cANCA Positive Control, 0.5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29400
Kallestad pANCA Positive Control, 0.5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29401
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 1 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27101
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 2 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27102
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 3 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27103
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level Low (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27100
Liquichek D-dimer Control MiniPak (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27102X
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011308
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011343
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 171
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011309
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011344
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 172
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011245
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011310
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 173
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011331
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011334
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 172X
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 501
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 502
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 503
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control MiniPalk (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 502X
Liquichek AMH Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed AMH control.)
Liquichek - 12006327
Liquichek ANA Control, Centromere Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 112
Liquichek ANA Control, Homogeneous Pattern Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 107
Liquichek ANA Control, Mitotic Spindle Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 118
Liquichek ANA Control, Nucleolar Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 111
Liquichek ANA Control, Speckled Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 108
Liquichek ANA Controls Set, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 131
Liquichek Anti-Mitochondrial Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 127
Liquichek Anti-nDNA Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 119
Liquichek Anti-RNP Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 116
Liquichek Anti-Scl-70 Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 117
Liquichek Anti-Sm Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 115
Liquichek Anti-Smooth Muscle Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 129
Liquichek Anti-SS-A Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 114
Liquichek Anti-SS-B Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 113
Liquichek Autoimmune Negative Control (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 130
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 571
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 572
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 573
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 570X
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 504
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 505
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 506
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 505X
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 576
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 577
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 578
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 575X
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 511
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 512
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 513
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 510X
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016447
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016472
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016448
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016473
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016449
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016474
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 4 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016450
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 4 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016475
Liquichek Cardiac Marker Plus Control LT Level Low (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 149
Liquichek Cardiac Marker Plus Control LT Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 149X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 649X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 646
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 647
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 648
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level Low (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 649
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 645X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Trilevel (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 645
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 181
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 182
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 183
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004806
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 146
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004807
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 146X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004812
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27104
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004813
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27104X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004814
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27105
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004815
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27105X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004816
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27106
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 297
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004817
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27106X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004808
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 147
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 298
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004809
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 147X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004810
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 148
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 299
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004811
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 148X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 298X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 180X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 180
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12001084
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006239
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 2 MiniPak (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006370
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006369
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 3 MiniPak (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006371
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control MiniPak (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12001085
Liquichek CK/LD Isoenzyme Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed CK/LD isoenzyme control.)
Liquichek - 671
Liquichek CK/LD Isoenzyme Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed CK/LD isoenzyme control.)
Liquichek - 672
Liquichek CK/LD Isoenzyme Control Level MiniPak (A human serum assayed CK/LD isoenzyme control.)
Liquichek - 670X
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 291
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 292
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 293
Liquichek Diabetes Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 292X
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control Level 1 (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 254
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control Level 2 (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 255
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control Level 3 (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 256
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control MiniPak (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 255X
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 1 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 271
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 1 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 544
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 2 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 272
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 2 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 545
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 3 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 273
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 3 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 546
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control MiniPak (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 545X
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 272X
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) High (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 868
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Low (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 866
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Normal (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 867
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 865
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 865X
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) High (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 907
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Low (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 905
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Normal (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 906
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 904
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 904X
Liquichek Hematology Control (S) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 449
Liquichek Hematology Control (S) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 449X
Liquichek Hematology Control (X) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 487
Liquichek Hematology Control (X) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 487X
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control High (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 763
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Low (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 761
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Normal (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 762
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Trilevel (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 760
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 760X
Liquichek Hematology-16T Control Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 144
Liquichek Hematology-16T Control Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 144X
Liquichek Homocysteine Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 287
Liquichek Homocysteine Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 288
Liquichek Homocysteine Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 289
Liquichek Homocysteine Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 288X
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004319
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 267
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 361
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004320
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 268
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 362
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004321
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 269
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 363
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 268X
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 360X
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004322
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 360
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Level 1 (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27111
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Level 2 (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27112
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Level 3 (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27113
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Trilevel (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27110
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Trilevel MiniPak (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27110X
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003784
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 591
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 594
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003785
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 592
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 595
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003786
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 593
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 596
Liquichek Immunology Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003787
Liquichek Immunology Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 590X
Liquichek Immunology Control, Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 281
Liquichek Immunology Control, Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 282
Liquichek Immunology Control, Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 283
Liquichek Immunology Control, Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 282X
Liquichek Lipids Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed lipids control.)
Liquichek - 641
Liquichek Lipids Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed lipids control.)
Liquichek - 642
Liquichek Lipids Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed lipids control.)
Liquichek - 640X
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 402
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 403
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 404
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 403X
Liquichek Microalbumin Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 378
Liquichek Microalbumin Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 379
Liquichek Microalbumin Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 374X
Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 1 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.)
Liquichek - 12000951
Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 2 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.)
Liquichek - 12000952
Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 3 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.)
Liquichek - 12000953
Liquichek Opiate Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 415X
Liquichek Opiate Control Level 1 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 416
Liquichek Opiate Control Level 2 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 417
Liquichek Pediatric Control Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 178X
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 1 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 176
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 1 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 354
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 2 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 177
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 2 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 355
Liquichek Pediatric Control MiniPak (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 353X
Liquichek Qualitative Urine Toxicology Control MiniPak (A qualitative human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 454X
Liquichek Qualitative Urine Toxicology Control Negative (A qualitative human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 454
Liquichek Qualitative Urine Toxicology Control Positive (A qualitative human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 455
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A) Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 855X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 854
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 855
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A-I) Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 915X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A-I) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 916
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A-I) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 917
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 826
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 827
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Level 3 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 828
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 827X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 921
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 922
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level 3 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 923
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 922X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 926
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 927
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Level 3 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 928
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 927X
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed erythrocyte sedimentation rate control.)
Liquichek - 514X
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed erythrocyte sedimentation rate control.)
Liquichek - 514
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed erythrocyte sedimentation rate control.)
Liquichek - 515
Liquichek Serum Volatiles Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed volatile compound control.)
Liquichek - 383
Liquichek Serum Volatiles Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed volatile compound control.)
Liquichek - 384
Liquichek Serum Volatiles Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed volatile compound control.)
Liquichek - 385X
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 364
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 365
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 366
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level LTA (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 359
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 359X
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015645
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015646
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015647
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low (A human serum assayed immunoassay control,)
Liquichek - 12015644
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12019576
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015648
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 302X
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 750X
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 1 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 303
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 1 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 751
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 2 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 304
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 2 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 752
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level 1 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 725
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level 2 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 726
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level 3 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 727
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level MiniPak (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 724X
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Trilevel (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 724
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Negative (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
Liquichek - 228
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Negative MiniPak (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
Liquichek - 228X
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Positive (An unassayed (human) Serology control.)
Liquichek - 239
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Positive MiniPak (An unassayed (human) Serology control.)
Liquichek - 239X
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Negative (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 230
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Negative MiniPak (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 230NX
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Positive (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 229
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Positive MiniPak (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 229PX
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27114
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 547
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 548
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27115
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27116
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 549
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27115X
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 548X
Liquichek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Bilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 690X
Liquichek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 691
Liquichek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 692
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Bilevel (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 435
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 435X
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Level 1 (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 436
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Level 2 (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 437
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 198X
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 12004329
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 195
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 397
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 12004330
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 196
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 398
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 12004331
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 395X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C1 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 441
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C1 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 441X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 442
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 468
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 468X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 442X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 443
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 469
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 469X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 443X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C4 (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 444
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C4 MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 444X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 461
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 466
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 466X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 461X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 438
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 423
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 423X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 438X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 673
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 683
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 683X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 673X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1S (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 409
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1S MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 409X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 462
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 467
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 467X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 462X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 439
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 424
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 424X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 439X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 676
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 706
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 706X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 676X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2S (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 419
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2S Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 419X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S3 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 463
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S3 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 463X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Negative Control (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 460
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Negative Control Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 460X
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000404
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000405
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000406
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 4 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000407
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000408
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 1 (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 744
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 2 (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 745
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 3 (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 746
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 745X
Lyphochek Diabetes Control Bilevel (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Lyphochek - 740
Lyphochek Diabetes Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Lyphochek - 740X
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A1C Linearity Set (Hemoglobin A1C linearity verification material.)
Lyphochek - 12000070
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A2 Control Bilevel (A human whole blood assayed Hemoglobin A2 control.)
Lyphochek - 553
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A2 Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed Hemoglobin A2 control.)
Lyphochek - 553X
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 1 (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 597
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 2 (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 598
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 3 (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 599
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control MiniPak (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 598X
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Negative (An assayed human based allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000141
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Negative MiniPak (An assayed human based allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000143
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Panel A (An assayed human serum allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000142
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Panel A MiniPak (An assayed human serum allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000144
Lyphochek Anemia Control Level 1 (A human based assayed anemia control.)
Lyphochek - 500
Lyphochek Anemia Control MiniPak (A human based assayed anemia control.)
Lyphochek - 500X
Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-310-5
Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-315-5
Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 313X
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set A Level 1 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 661
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set A Level 2 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 662
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set A MiniPak (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 660X
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set B Level 1 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 663
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set B Level 2 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 664
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set B MiniPak (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 665X
Lyphochek Drug Free Serum (A human drug free serum control.)
Lyphochek - 456
Lyphochek Drug Free Serum MiniPak (A human drug free serum control.)
Lyphochek - 456X
Lyphochek Endocrine Control Bilevel (A human serum quantitative catecholamines control.)
Lyphochek - 535
Lyphochek Endocrine Control MiniPak (A human serum quantitative catecholamines control.)
Lyphochek - 535X
Lyphochek Fertility Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 481
Lyphochek Fertility Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 482
Lyphochek Fertility Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 483
Lyphochek Fertility Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 480X
Lyphochek Fertility Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 480
Lyphochek Hypertension Markers Control MiniPak (A human based assayed hypertension markers control.)
Lyphochek - 600X
Lyphochek Hypertension Markers Control, Trilevel (A human based assayed hypertension markers control.)
Lyphochek - 600
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 371
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 372
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 373
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 370X
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 370
Lyphochek Maternal Serum Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Lyphochek - 220X
Lyphochek Maternal Serum Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Lyphochek - 220
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control Abnormal (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 377
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 375X
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control Normal (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 376
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27124
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27125
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27126
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27125X
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Level 1 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 451
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Level 2 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 452
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Level 3 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 453
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), MiniPak (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 450X
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Trilevel (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 450
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 367
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 368
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 369
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 368X
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Bilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 323X
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Bilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 730X
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 731
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-320-10
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 732
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-325-10
Lyphochek Urine Bone Markers Control Bilevel (A human urine bone markers control.)
Lyphochek - 406
Lyphochek Urine Bone Markers Control MiniPak (A human urine bone markers control.)
Lyphochek - 406X
Lyphochek Urine Metals Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 400
Lyphochek Urine Metals Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 405
Lyphochek Urine Metals Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 402X
Lyphochek Urine Toxicology Control (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Lyphochek - C-470-25
Lyphochek Urine Toxicology Control MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Lyphochek - 470X
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 561
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 562
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 563
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 560X
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 274
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 275
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 276
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 4 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 277
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 5 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 278
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 279X
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 527
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 528
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 529
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 528X
Meter Trax Control Level High (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 973
Meter Trax Control Level Low (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 971
Meter Trax Control Level Mid (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 972
Meter Trax Control Trilevel (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 970
Meter Trax Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 970X
MONOFLUO Fluorescence Microscopy Slides
MONOFLUO - 32524
MONOFLUO Pneumocystis jirovecii (P. carinii) IFA Test
MONOFLUO - 32515
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBs EIA 192 tests
MONOLISA - 25220
Anti-HBc EIA, Conjugate Reagent 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26193
Anti-HBc EIA, Cutoff Calibrator, 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26195
Anti-HBc EIA, Negative Control, 0.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26197
Anti-HBc EIA, Positive Control, 0.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26194
Anti-HBc EIA, Specimen Diluent, 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26196
Anti-HBc IgM EIA Conjugate Diluent, 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26198
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Conjugate, Lyophilized, 7.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26202
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Cutoff Calibrator, 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26203
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Negative Control, 0.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26201
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Positive Control,1.6 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26200
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Specimen Diluent, 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26199
Anti-HBs EIA Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Human) Horeseradish Peroxidase Conjugate
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26151
Anti-HBs EIA, 10 mIU/mL Calibrator 1.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26154
Anti-HBs EIA, Conjugate Diluent 15 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26155
Anti-HBs EIA, Negative Control 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26153
Anti-HBs EIA, Positive Control 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26152
Anti-HBs EIA, Specimen Diluent 10 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26156
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBs EIA Calibrator Kit
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 25219
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBc EIA 192 Tests
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26186
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBc IgM EIA, 192 Tests
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26174
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 337
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 694
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 338
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 695
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 339
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 696
Liquid Assayed Multiqual MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 695X
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 284
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 285
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 286
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 285X
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 338X
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 697
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 698
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Level 3 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 699
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 698X
CFX Opus 384 Dx
Opus - 12014335
CFX Opus 96 Dx
Opus - 12014330
CFX Opus Deepwell Dx
Opus - 12016687
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2, 4 Well Slides
Pathfinder - 12000150
Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 Direct Antigen Detection System
Pathfinder - 25215
HSV Type 1 and 2, 2 Well Slides
Pathfinder - 30494
HSV Type 1 Monoclonal Antibody
Pathfinder - 30490
HSV Type 2 Monoclonal Antibody
Pathfinder - 30491
Pathfinder Chlamydia Culture Confirmation System
Pathfinder - 30701
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis 2 Well Direct Specimen Control Slides
Pathfinder - 12000149
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis Direct Specimen Monoclonal Antibody
Pathfinder - 30702
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis Direct Specimen System
Pathfinder - 30704
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis Specimen Slides, 1 well
Pathfinder - 30707
Pathfinder Mounting Media
Pathfinder - 30693
PhD lx
PhD lx - PhD lx
PneumoTrol (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
PneumoTrol - 00129
PyloriTrol (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
PyloriTrol - 00121
Quantase Neonatal Accessory Kit 5 Elution Buffer
Quantase - 532-5040
qUAntify Advance Control Bilevel (A liquid urinalysis control.)
qUAntify - 12007028
qUAntify Advance Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid urinalysis control.)
qUAntify - 12007029
qUAntify Control Bilevel (A liquid dipstick urine control.)
qUAntify - 975
qUAntify Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid dipstick urine control.)
qUAntify - 975X
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 962
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 995
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 962X
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 995X
qUAntify Plus Control Level 1 (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 963
qUAntify Plus Control Level 2 (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 964
Quest Diagnostics Immunoassay/TDM Control (A human serum immunoassay/TDM control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 930
Quest Diagnostics Serum Chemistry Control Trilevel (A human serum chemistry control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 935
Quest Diagnostics Serum Chemistry Control Trilevel (A human serum chemistry control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 945
Quest Diagnostics Tumor Marker Control (A human serum tumor marker control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 955
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP
TOX/See - 194-5184
TOX/See - 194-5221
TOX/See - 194-5225
TOX/See - 194-5228
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MET, MTD, OPI, THC
TOX/See - 194-5182
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MET, OPI, PCP, TCA, THC
TOX/See - 194-5230
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MTD, OPI, PCP, THC
TOX/See - 194-5209
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MTD, OPI2000, PCP, THC
TOX/See - 194-5183
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BZO, COC, OPI, THC
TOX/See - 194-5216
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC
TOX/See - 194-5200
TOX/See Drug Screen Test BAR
TOX/See - 194-5185
TOX/See Drug Screen Test BUP
TOX/See - 194-5205
TOX/See Drug Screen Test BZO
TOX/See - 194-5186
TOX/See Drug Screen Test COC
TOX/See - 194-5188
TOX/See Drug Screen Test MDMA
TOX/See - 194-5224
TOX/See Drug Screen Test MET
TOX/See - 194-5190
TOX/See Drug Screen Test MTD
TOX/See - 194-5191
TOX/See Drug Screen Test OPI
TOX/See - 194-5192
TOX/See Drug Screen Test OXY
TOX/See - 194-5203
TOX/See Drug Screen Test PCP
TOX/See - 194-5194
TOX/See Drug Screen Test PPX
TOX/See - 194-5204
TOX/See Drug Screen Test TCA
TOX/See - 194-5234
TOX/See Drug Screen Test THC
TOX/See - 194-5187
VARIANT II - 2702000
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0182
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Elution Buffer 1
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0004
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Elution Buffer 2
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0005
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Hemoglobin A2/F Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0083
VARIANT II B-Thalassemia Short Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-2103
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-2154
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Wash/Diluent Solution
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-2164
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2113NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2115NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2110NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2111NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Prefilter
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2425
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2101NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Wash/Diluent Solution
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2112NU
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Prefilter
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Guard Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Wash/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin Testing System WITHOUT Computer
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Elution Buffer A Set
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2713
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2725
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2722
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Cartridge Set
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2724
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2717
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2718
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Guard Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2726
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2716
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT nbs - 250-3003
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Elution Buffer 1
VARIANT nbs - 250-3001
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Elution Buffer 2
VARIANT nbs - 250-3002
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT nbs - 250-3000
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Retention Time Marker Set
VARIANT nbs - 250-3004
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Wash Solution
VARIANT nbs - 250-3008
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Whole Blood Primer
VARIANT nbs - 250-3009
VARIANT nbs Newborn Screening System
VARIANT nbs Newborn Screening - 250-3010
VIROCLEAR (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROCLEAR (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROCLEAR (An unassayed (human) serological control.)